Photo Editing Software and Applications
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Photo Editing Software and Applications
Daily news, tutorials and other resources about photo editing, drawing and sketching apps
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Apple iOS 7, Color and How to Learn not to Over-Edit Images

Apple iOS 7, Color and How to Learn not to Over-Edit Images | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

This entire week have been nothing but about Apple. The new iPhone's 5C and 5S are entertaining the world. While the 5C is more afforable and 5S has more features...what have been changing the technological minds, is the iOS 7. And how this updated software has changed Apple's whole reputation.

Color depth, dramatization and vibrancy has to be what every photographer plans on attracting the eye of the beholder. Low light may be the one nusance we have in common, but with the help of photoshop and countless apps. One simple tool can add bold colors and just enough shadow to emphasize the right amount of depth. Even choosing Monokrom to turn those colors into striking black and white creations.

Everyone, amatuer or professional has had trouble with over-editing. Finding where to stop and where to add a bit of flare can make or break a photo. We even may want to stray from the traditional cliche of using the latest trends in every inch of pixel space. Using too much contrast and (there are a few of us that hate reading the instructions) not using the tutorials to properly learn the program. With editing, take the time to research and know the tools you are clicking on to change your image.

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Composite | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Composite is a brand new way of creating interactive prototypes. It automatically connects to your Photoshop® document and converts your mockups into interactive prototypes in seconds. No need to export images or maintain tons of hotspots.
Kitty Fisher's insight:

This is going to come in handy, for anyone that wants to make sure that their app design has the fully function aspects it should. Even better, you can download a demo version of the app, to become better acquanited.

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New iPhone 5S Coming: What to Expect At Tomorrow's Apple Event

New iPhone 5S Coming: What to Expect At Tomorrow's Apple Event | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

At its headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., Apple will hold an event on Tuesday that it says will "brighten everyone's day." Beyond that Apple hasn't said much about its next phones, but thanks to rumors, leaks and heavy speculation, we have a pretty good handle on what is coming at the gathering, which begins at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET.

Think of the iPhone 5S like the iPhone 4S -- an update to the current iPhone with some new tricks. According to the leaks, the iPhone 5S will look like the 5, though it might come in a new gold hue. It is expected to have one big difference though on its home button: a fingerprint reader.

According to leaks and some leaked software code in iOS 7, the fingerprint sensor will allow you to log into the phone with just a swipe of your finger. Other improvements are said to include a faster processor and a better camera. So if you are holding out for an iPhone with a bigger screen than the current 4-inch display, it looks like you are going to have to wait a bit longer.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Don't go out and buy a new iphone just yet. There are two coming out tomorrow, iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. The latter is a lower-cost version.

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