Photo Editing Software and Applications
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Photo Editing Software and Applications
Daily news, tutorials and other resources about photo editing, drawing and sketching apps
Curated by Hovhannes
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Why You Should Be Shooting RAW In One Simple GIF

Any experienced photographer will be able to tell you the indispensable utility in shooting RAW as opposed to JPG. If you just got a new camera or haven't heard a good explanation for why RAW is so great, just look at this one GIF, made with images by Glyn Davis.
Kitty Fisher's insight:

An experienced eye would know what RAW and JPG look like side by side. But this gif does just the trick but revealing the wonderful color compared to the dull gray image that was taken in JPG.

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Before & After Photos Examine the Ethics of Photoshop in Portraiture

Before & After Photos Examine the Ethics of Photoshop in Portraiture | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

In the above video, Karl Taylor walks you through a four-step process that shows the before-and-after results of three variables when it comes to portraiture: studio lighting, make-up, and Photoshop.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

A full proof step by step system that takes on the make-up, studio lighting aspect of portrait taking. Maybe you don't have the right set-ups for that particular lighting but this could be the answer for those problems.

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Top 12 Image Editing Skills Every Photographer Should Know

Top 12 Image Editing Skills Every Photographer Should Know | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Before you start editing, make sure that you have a good image work flow. This means saving originals in a separate place to prevent you from damaging or destroying the original image. 

Kitty Fisher's insight:

They are essential and you probably already know all 12 of these skills. But lets get down to the facts some of us brush pass what we should know and go straight to how we would like the image to be. And honestly that sometimes can call for too much of one individual tool.

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A Nest for All Seasons

A Nest for All Seasons | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

These are basic editing skills you will need to make you photos look amazing! 

Levels, Brightness and Saturation.

Levels.  When you open the levels window (in PS, image > adjustments > levels), you will notice that there are little "mountains", and arrows in each corner.  You have to move those arrows towards the end of the mountains, and that is it!

Brightness  (in PS, image >  adjustments > brightness).  You have to be really careful
not to add too much brightness, because your image will loose quality and start looking noisy.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Agus has become such a help to me, when I'm in a tough situation, that is when it comes to editing. And you'll have to go on the page to read about the saturation. But the side by side comparisons really help in that before and after effect.

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Setting The Mood By Adjusting Your White Balance

Setting The Mood By Adjusting Your White Balance | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Photographers often deal with a variety of light sources, each of which has it’s own color cast.  When compared to daylight in the middle of the day, tungsten lighting, like that which comes from traditional incandescent bulbs, looks yellow.  Standard fluorescent lighting looks green.  Light in shade, or on a cloudy day will have a bluish cast compared to midday sun.  These color casts are referred to as the color temperature of the light.  Color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin.  To beginners, color temperature will appear to be a bit backwards.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Depending on if the sun is setting or if your model looks a bit more severe, than the light lets on. Regulating your White Balance to the mood of the situtation, can not only tell a story but bring forth what emotion, you want to come across.

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Design Magical Fire Energy Text Effect in Photoshop - PSD Vault

Design Magical Fire Energy Text Effect in Photoshop - PSD Vault | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Design this Magical Fire Energy Text Effect in Photoshop. This is a beginner tutorial and I will show how easy it is to create a great looking text effect in Photoshop in just a few steps. We will come across some paintings, layer blending, and image adjustments.
Kitty Fisher's insight:

Learning a new text effect on Photoshop CS6 can be a cool learning experience. And maybe even open a few doors to, helping you to figure out what your next design will be.

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Create a Delicious Print Ad in Photoshop | Psdtuts+

Create a Delicious Print Ad in Photoshop | Psdtuts+ | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

"Print designers often work with digital illustrators and CG artists to help produce their work. In this tutorial, we will continue to develop a character concept from a Cgtuts+ tutorial by Nacho Riesco and show you how to create a print ad by combining photo manipulation techniques with some renders from another tutorial."

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Print ads are more work than fun. But with this tutorial on Cgtuts, that not only will it take the middle man out. But you will have full creative control.

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Mouthwatering Food Photography Tips

Mouthwatering Food Photography Tips | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

We love to eat and show others what we're eating. From blogs to restaurant websites to magazines, food photography has become part of our culture. If you want your pictures of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert to make your viewers salivate, improve your food photography with these expert tips.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Making a mouthwatering food photo can either start your business or make others want that recipe from you.

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Tutorial: How to make daylight images work | Mersad Donko Photography

Tutorial: How to make daylight images work | Mersad Donko Photography | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Daylight can be harsh. Very harsh. Photographers will tell you never to shoot during the middle of the day, but to wait for sundown or sunrise, because the light is much softer.

But sometimes you can't help it or don't have a choice. And this is where this short tutorial comes in. If you are shooting in JPEG mode then there are two simple steps on how to make daylight images work.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Ever have trouble with harsh daylight in your photos? Worry no more, this easy tutorial will guide you through what you can do, to make your picture appear softer and smooth.

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5 Fundamental Skills Every Artist Should Master | Psdtuts+

5 Fundamental Skills Every Artist Should Master | Psdtuts+ | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
In this article, we will explain 5 fundamental skills that every artist should master.!

Take control sharpening in Photoshop | Digital-Photography-School

Take control sharpening in Photoshop | Digital-Photography-School | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Most people who have experimented in Photoshop, especially those who shoot in raw, will have some experience of trying to sharpen an image. Sharpening increases the contrast between neighbouring pixels resulting in the visual effect of a crisper image. It is typically the last processing step that should be performed on an image and is often used to enhance already well-focussed images or in desperation to try and rescue elements of a photograph that weren’t captured in-focus when the shutter was pressed. There are numerous ways to sharpen images in Photoshop, so much so that there is a whole sub-menu of filters dedicated to sharpening, each offering a different amount of control and different levels of success...

Via Thomas Menk
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4 Photo-Editing Tricks & Tips for Landscape Photography

4 Photo-Editing Tricks & Tips for Landscape Photography | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Planet Earth is incredibly beautiful and diverse. There is always something to see, some new miracle to uncover and, hopefully, capture on camera.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

A 4 step tricks and tips pick for photo editing, this article covers blending RAW exposures, creating panoramas and mixing surreal landscape editing that will take you to the next level.

Clipping Path Specialist's curator insight, March 24, 2016 6:50 AM

A 4 step tricks and tips pick for photo editing, this article covers blending RAW exposures, creating panoramas and mixing surreal landscape editing that will take you to the next level.!

Temporary:Secretary UK Fashion Blog | Style Blogger: Photography Tips for Beauty Bloggers

Temporary:Secretary UK Fashion Blog | Style Blogger: Photography Tips for Beauty Bloggers | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Photography Tips for Beauty Bloggers
Kitty Fisher's insight:

Product photography has to show a side of professionalism and a hint of fun. Thinking out side of the box to represent the product should be first on your mind as well.

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How to Shoot Sports at Night and in Other Challenging Situations Like a Pro @ Weeder

How to Shoot Sports at Night and in Other Challenging Situations Like a Pro @ Weeder | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Off-camera flashes allow you the freedom to put the light wherever you want it, and using them at night allows you to position the light in the exact place you want to whilst leaving the background dark. This can create some interesting photos, and when combined with different angles, you can create some dynamic images you wouldn’t have otherwise taken in broad daylight. So how do you do it?

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Taking photos at night, especailly when it involves sports photography. How does one go about doing such a thing? Well trial and error will be a friend of yours, and you'll get to know it well. Practice makes perfect and this will be no different.

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5 Easy Tips That Will Help You Turn Pro

5 Easy Tips That Will Help You Turn Pro | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

When put into everyday practice, these 5 little gems will help you get consistently excellent shots and turn you from an amateur to a pro.

Lock in your focus. Focus is focus. It’s where your eye is drawn first and then becomes the focal point of the entire image. If you are trying to get more than one subject to remain in focus in your shot, point at your first subject area and hold your shutter button half way down. This means your focus is now locked and you are free to move to the remaining portions of your image and finish pushing down the shutter release button. Your camera will not be able to readjust, which is what always ends up leaving your initial subject matter blurred and fuzzy.

Get real close and use a high shutter speed. One of the most underrated skills of photography is getting in close. Real close. Famous photographer, Robert Capa has been quoted saying, “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” Don’t let your fear of getting in someone’s or something’s personal space stop you from getting the shot you truly want. They’ve already agreed to be photographed and therefore are already on display. What could it hurt to get in a bit closer? The important thing about getting in close though is that any teeny tiny movement will be detected and captured in your photos. Therefore, make sure to set your camera to a high shutter speed so when you push the shutter release, it can instantly capture the image with little or none of that camera shake.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

A bit of insight when it comes to that question, how can I be a pro? And there is only 5 of them, two are basic focusing techinques but the rest is up to you. Will you be your own critic, or editor in the moment. Or even breaking the space gap and get in close to really capture that sudden movement? Every photographer should ask themselves these questions.

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Acer Iconia A3, Adobe's Monthly Photoshop and more tips to help you with Photoshop

Acer Iconia A3, Adobe's Monthly Photoshop and more tips to help you with Photoshop | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

It seems like this week was packed full of new gadgets and tools to help out with photoshop. First the Acer Iconia A3 which could go up as a rival with Apple, for affordable tablet and generally a user friendly, easily learned device. With only one noticeable downside, where the pixels my not be as sharp but honestly you can't even tell. Then Adobe went with a by-monthly program that will allow users to pay $9.99 to use Photoshop. Which is perfect for anyone that doesn't want to commit to buying a well into the $100 dollar range program. Here you can get a feel of color balance and layering.

As consistant updates emerge, it's hard to keep up with what Chormatic Aberration really is and how to fix it? But as long as their are tutorial's between using border options and how to achieve a High-key portrait. Knowing these options are available can help you to develop a better sense of how to edit your photographs.

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How To Apply A Smart Filter In Photoshop CS3

How To Apply A Smart Filter In Photoshop CS3 | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Smart Filters are easily one of the best new features in Photoshop CS3, and using them couldn’t be easier.

In this Photoshop CS3 tutorial, we’ll look at the basics of how to apply smart filters to an image, which are not only a brand new feature inside Adobe Photoshop CS3, but also one of the best things to happen to Photoshop in a long time. Whether you’re restoring or retouching a photo or going after a creative effect, once you’ve seen how much freedom smart filters give you, you’ll be using them in your Photoshop work all the time."

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Sometimes we can get caught up in the layers of things, but this Photoshop CS3 tutorial has not only made 'smart filter' accessible but understandable.

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Learn awesome Photoshop tips and techniques

Learn awesome Photoshop tips and techniques | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Learn awesome Photoshop tips and techniques with Lewis Moorhead.
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Photo Tutorial: Tips and Tricks for Back to School Photography

Photo Tutorial: Tips and Tricks for Back to School Photography | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

It’s just about time for summer to officially finish, so all the parents out there will be reaching for their cameras, whether they’re DSLRs or just camera phones, hoping to take the best image of their children going back to school. Of course, these are the photos you’ll be embarrassing your son or daughter within a few decades, so you want to make sure that you’re getting the best photo of your kid that you can possibly get! Here’s a few tips and tricks to make it happen."

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Back to school is an exciting time of year. Full of possiblities, laughter and memories. But get a little creative and unique with your kids back to school photos, don't just choose the normal cliche. And to add a bit more bubbly fun, you can add them to PicsArt for people to be inspired by.

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Guide: How To Add Effects To Your Photos Using Paint.NET -

Guide: How To Add Effects To Your Photos Using Paint.NET - | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Guide: How To Add Effects To Your Photos Using Paint.NET
If your camera cannot do that yet, you can still get the effect while post-processing.
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5 Important Tone Mapping Tips That Will Improve Your HDR

5 Important Tone Mapping Tips That Will Improve Your HDR | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Learn important ton mapping tips that will help you to create beautiful HDR photos
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