40+ Social Media Dashboard Tools for Tracking Stuff | Best Practices in Instructional Design  & Use of Learning Technologies | Scoop.it

As part of my on-going work developing social media for business units, I’m often asked about what types of tools I used for tracking all that ‘social media stuff.’


Let me talk about how I go about creating a social media dashboard


The basic answer is that I don’t have one tool (I have dozens, if not hundreds.)


The real answer is that I am not tracking social media.
I am tracking key performance indicators (KPI)
I don’t care if it is a shipping problem or a viral YouTube video.
I simply want to know how I can track it, manage it, and maximize results.


With that said: when I think about creating a social media dashboard or using a platform to track results… I am looking at several unique business identifiers that define what tool I need for the job at hand...

Via Martin Gysler