The Common Core: The Technocrats Re-engineer Learning | Eclectic Technology |

"As criticism of No Child Left Behind and the associated tests rises, we are hearing more and more about the Common Core Standards (CCS), the next great thing that is supposed to fix all that ails us...

Arne Duncan, likewise, when pushed about our obsession with standardized tests, offers up the Common Core, and the new tests being designed with Department of Education funding, as the solution. According to him, we will soon move "beyond the bubble tests," into a new generation of assessments... 

But the Common Core is facing significant pushback, especially from state-level policymakers..."

As you continue to read this article it does appear that the iniatives that many states are undertaking, the adoption of Common Core, the Race to the Top, lead to high stake testing that will happen in more grades and more subjects as time goes on. In a short period of time the testing is scheduled to become computer-based, which will bring machines grading tests.

So where is localism in this discussion. After a short review of how we have gotten to this point Andrew Cody shares an interview he had with Nebraska Education Commissioner Doug Christensen as well as comments from Yong Zhao. This is a fascinating read with information that may make you look at these issues with new insights.