Photo Editing Software and Applications
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Photo Editing Software and Applications
Daily news, tutorials and other resources about photo editing, drawing and sketching apps
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Instagram's 10 New Photo Editing Tools! - YouTube

Instagram has released a new update with 10 new photo editing tools, a few days ago. I'll be showing you how to use them and how each one works. Download: In... (Photoshop Tutorial | Instagram's 10 New Photo Editing Tools!
Kitty Fisher's insight:

Why not get to know Instagram's editing tools a bit. After the big transformation and a more likable interface, watch this Youtube video that demonstrates every new effect.

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Have you tried photo editing with Instagram?

Have you tried photo editing with Instagram? | Photo Editing Software and Applications |
Photo editing with Instagram is a quick, easy and fun way to enhance your Smartphone pictures to share with friends.
Kitty Fisher's insight:

Using the photo editing apps we have on our iPhones, have you ever tried simply using the editing filters on Instagram. It could not be any more simpler and easy to apply.

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Are Your Pics Blue Enough? How to Turn Your Photos Into Instagram 'Like' Magnets

Are Your Pics Blue Enough? How to Turn Your Photos Into Instagram 'Like' Magnets | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Want to get more likes on Instagram? Make sure your images are predominantly blue, spaciously cropped, bright and mildly desaturated. At least those are those are the criteria handed down by Philadelphia-based research firm Curalate, which recently shared the results of an extensive study charting likes for 8 million Instagram posts against 30 image parameters.

According to the survey, other factors that contribute to an image's likeability include: Dominance of a sinle color, preferably blue. Brightness in the 65-80 percent range. A reognizable background (i.e. don't crop tightly). Mild desaturation, like what you get with the "Walden" or "rise" filters. Uploaded via Twitter.

Oddly, some of the Instagram results directly contradict an earlier Curalate survey popularity. That study advised going for reddish-orange hue rather than blue. Also good for Pinterest but apparently not Instagram: 50-percent saturation and multiple dominant colors.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

How to gain recognition from your Instagram. Have you thought about what colors the majority of your photos have within them? Maybe you should add more blue and even make the cropping a bit tighter. Or even better make a single color the dominate.

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Red Bull Teams Up with Instagrammers to Document Cliff Diving in Stop Motion

Red Bull Teams Up with Instagrammers to Document Cliff Diving in Stop Motion | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Red Bull has an appreciation for the potential of mixing photography with death-defying stunts. If you need an example, look no further than some of the Red Bull Illume projects we’ve covered in the past.

But Red Bull’s most recent foray into photography didn’t have to do with epic light painting or expensive gear: instead, the company teamed up with three top U.K. Instagrammers to document the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in stop motion.

The event took place mid-September at the Blue Lagoon on the Pembrokeshire coastline in Wales, a photogenic location if we’ve ever seen one. And although you might think the location was wasted on Instagram, think again. Each of the three prolific Instagrammers involved — @danrubin, @jeera and @chaiwalla — used high-end SLRs to shoot the day.

Armed with a Canon 5D Mark II, a Canon 7D and a Nikon D600, the three photographers spent all day shooting everything from the setup to the actual competition itself. What turned out was a 2-minutes top motion summary of the competition that captured all of the highlights you might want to see.

The video finally debuted a couple of days ago on Red Bull Cliff Diving website — the culmination of some 21,000+ photos and three hours spent putting them together into a cohesive final product.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Cliff diving is a dangerous sport. But Rebull teaming up with photographers and videographers, being able to capture the stop motion divers...well then this may be up your alley. Also they've teamed up with Instagram, which in this case be careful but if you are the thrill seeking type...

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MORE Best Photo Editing Apps for Instagram-Worthy Snaps

MORE Best Photo Editing Apps for Instagram-Worthy Snaps | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Since we've been playing with (Female Mag Photo A Day), we've been looking for new ways to amp up our shots. And since we're always eyeing the 'Top Free' lists in the App Store/Google Play, we figured that we might as well share some of them with you! Sharing is caring, right? Once again, don't worry, we've made sure they're F-R-E-E and, Android and iPhone-friendly!

Kitty Fisher's insight:

The apps you should be introduced to via Instagram. Coming out of Korea, Japan and China. These filters can satisfy the most abundant bunch of photos, that you want to share with the world.

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10 Useful Instagram Tips & Tricks You Should Know

10 Useful Instagram Tips & Tricks You Should Know | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

The popular photo-sharing app, Instagram has undergone many changes with the most recent being its Instagram video. As more users sign up and more apps are being created, there will be definitely be more changes. Keeping up with these changes may take some time, which is why we have collected.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Posting and sharing is not the only reason you have to use Instagram. How do you use the filters without posting them? Or un-tag yourself from someone else's photos? This list of ten useful tips will give you a reason to root in deeper to Instagram.

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Brooklyn Photographer Makes $15,000 in a Single Day Selling Prints on Instagram

Brooklyn Photographer Makes $15,000 in a Single Day Selling Prints on Instagram | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

Still think Instagram isn't for you? If you're a professional photographer, you might want to reconsider, because there's some serious marketing potential. 

Brooklyn-based photographer Daniel Arnold all but proved this a couple of days ago when he made over $15,000 selling prints over Instagram in a single day.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Your jaw my drop on this one. In a moment of desparation and living off of toast for a month, Photographer Daniel Arnold took to his Instagram account. Which would be one of the best moves he could encounter all day, he ended up selling a number of prints and cashing in a $15,000 amount within a 24 hour.

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5 Windows Phone tips to use Instagram like a pro

5 Windows Phone tips to use Instagram like a pro | Photo Editing Software and Applications |

While we wait for the official Instagram app to come to Windows Phone, we're happy using third-party apps like 6tag or Instance. If you're new to the social network, we've gathered 5 tips for you to use Instagram like a pro. 

Turn on the square grid

Instagram displays photos and videos in square aspect, so keep that in mind when using the camera. If you're using Nokia Camera, turn on the square grid. Go to settings > framing grids > square. This will help you see which objects in front of you will fit when uploaded to Instagram.

Use photo editing apps

People love filters on Instagram. Apps like 6tag and Instance have built-in filters you can use to spice up your photos, but you don’t have to limit yourself. There are plenty of photo editing apps at the Windows Phone store. One of our favorites is Fhotoroom. In addition to the usual image editing controls, there are several styles to choose from in addition to textures, light effects, and vignettes. Go ahead and get creative, but try not to overdo it.

Use hashtags

Your photos may look beautiful, but you won’t get ‘likes’ if no one sees them. Use relevant hashtags to gain exposure. Have a photo of your dog? Go add #instadog, #dogsitting, #dogstagram, etc. Instagram allows you to have up to 30 hashtags per photo. If you need help with hashtag ideas, there’s a great app from the Windows Phone store called Tagram. DO NOT put the hashtags in your photo caption. #It #will #annoy #your #friends #on #Twitter #or #Facebook. Insert the hashtags as a comment instead. It’s just as effective.

Kitty Fisher's insight:

Since the app hasn't hit the Windows Phone yet, here are a few ways you can use Instagram like a pro. Hashtags may be the biggest reason Instagram has so many hits. If it wasn't for the tags, would anyone like your photos outside of who you follow and who follows you. Even adding a location can garner up some fans, maybe they live in a city that hasn't quite been photographed in a way that has really shown how you view it.

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How to add overlays in PicsArt

Wanna learn how to add overlays in your picture with PicsArt. I'm going to show you how! Its actually pretty simple and really creative. If you making an ove...
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